Product Description specification
The Spider shaped spiral net of high-tensile 3 mm steel wire strand secures loose rocks, rock spurs and overhangs, also unstable rock formations with a very irregular surface structure and coarse block weathering. Spider shaped net stabilizes large areas of rock with a nail grid and boundary ropes. Isolated unstable blocks are wrapped with the spiral net and anchored all around with boundary ropes.

Main Components: The spider shaped rock protection system consists of the spiral rope net, nails and anchors, spike plates as standard anchorage, border and temporary ropes and net connection elements.
Installation: Spider shaped net is installed in rolls of 3.3 x 21 m. By means of spider spike plates the spiral net can bestretched over edges and rock spurs with rock nails or rock anchors, or anchored in hollows and niches -depending on the nature of the rock, together with a fine secondary mesh.
Application Area: Rockfalls, Avalanches, Tourism and recreation areas, rough and narrow gullies, etc.

Free choice of anchor points.
Fast mounting of the spiral rope net rolls over large areas.
Suitable for reinforcing existing protection measures
Practically invisible when the vegetation is establishment.